Sunday, December 26, 2010

The blogger hath returned!!

Yes, I am back! After a 10 month hiatus I am back to blogging some of my thoughts, ideas and experiences in design. But I am expanding the scope to include some more "lifestyle" items as well. Namely - FOOD! Now, I'm no Martha Stewart or Ina Garten but I do enjoy some time spent over the stove, in the kitchen and around my home doing things to create a more comfortable environment for myself and my better half, Doug. We don't live in a wonderful townhouse or on a idyllic country estate, just a cozy city apartment overlooking Tower Grove Park in St. Louis. But that doesn't stop me from doing what I can with what I have where I am! That's a paraphrased quote from Theodore Roosevelt.

2010 has been a year full of challenges, professionally and personally, but I arrive here in the waning hours of the year whole and in a good place. As this recession wears on and we continue to keep our belts a little tighter working on ways to make our homes joyful and comforting is even more important. I will share some of the ways I do that for myself and help others do it too. I also want to hear from you how you make your life a better place. Recipes, tips, fun stories - I want to hear them!

I'll be posting later about a very small dinner party we had a few weeks ago that will show you how to stay connected with friends, relax, and stay on budget. But now I have to go attend to my big pot of split pea soup I have going. Check back..........


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